Thursday, October 20, 2011

Outreach Programs

I have been heavily involved lately in the outreach programs offered at my internship. We make ourselves available to travel to businesses to give training on the prevention of discrimination. This training covers age, race, sex, gender and also national origin training. Most businesses and employees do not understand what is or is not discrimination.I am still amazed at the number of people who think discrimination does not exist in the workplace. There are many companies who turn the other cheek when claims of discrimination are made. Fortunately, we are here to curb those businesses. It can cost a business millions of dollars if they are found guilty of disrcimination.



  1. I'm glad to hear programs like such are traveling to businesses and educating them about discrimination. It's unbelievable to think that there's people/business that believe there is no such thing going on at their work place. Hope these people learned something. Keep up the good work!

  2. I agree, keep up the good work! Discrimination is definitely still relevant and prevalent in all sorts of organizations - even though many would like to pretend that its not.

  3. It would be so cool if had the time to do these activities some of the interns in this course are doing. Unfortunately where I work, discrimination, racism, sexism, fights over politics, and sexual harassment are everyday things. I wish the Post Office had outreach programs like these to come teach them a thing or two. We have policies posted up everywhere, but it does not seem to ever be enforced. Whenever I witness someone approaching a supervisor about inappropriate behavior from a co-worker, or even myself about a thing or two regarding sexual harassment, they try to make it your fault somehow and tell you to handle it yourself. This is after turning the other cheek or telling you they will get back to you. Keep in mind this is an environment full of older men, a lot are military veterans. I just don't understand. It's really frustrating. You should tell your program to come visit us. Really.
