Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A New Dawning

Ah.......the rise of a new Fiscal Year. More budgetary headaches, less money, the need for more stuff...the fun has just begun. As I start out a new fiscal year with my organization, we are tasked to do more with less money. As usual fashion over the past decade, we are starting out with a temporary continuing resolution to carry us through until Congress can decide how much allowance they should give us. Reminds me of the days of dad opening his wallet and deciding how much green I could have. Unfortunately, not enough green at this job means that cuts have to be made. Paper is less and less so copying is decreased. Electronic filing is now the way to go.

Even though we are short on funds, other companies that we deal with are not. They still slay us with mounds and mounds of paperwork. This year starts out looking like I will become a reviewer of documents for a short while. A good chance to really learn what the case is about. I look forward to the future here (with or without funding.)



  1. Do you find electronic filing more or less time-consuming? As more things go digital I have contemplated putting all our company documents on the computer so they are more readily available. The problem is the cost of scanning and electronically organizing a system of 1000s of construction drawings, invoices, etc.

  2. I totally understand where you're coming from. The City of Phoenix had major cuts as well. Our office had to cut in so many things and staff. We absolutely can relate to the famous quote "doing more with less." Hope you guys get through it.

  3. It is an unfortunate sign of the current economic conditions that we find ourselves in - organizations in both the private and public sector have to do more with less. It adds another layer of stress to the working environment. Hopefully the cuts are not too deep at your organization.

  4. As with everywhere..... Yes, we are cutting back also at the Post Office. Not only jobs and the threat of decreasing days of delivery, but my previous postmaster made a joke about not being able to buy toilet paper for the bathroom money was so tight. Somehow they were able to keep that luxury...haha.
