Thursday, September 29, 2011

End of a Fiscal Year

Well....the end of the fiscal year has come and what an end it was. My organizatoin was tasked with filing as many cases as possible with the District Court. So much work goes into this process. It actually started months ago with what began in an investigative stage. Now, we are at the litigation stage and that is where my office takes over. Now that they are filed, the pretrial litigiation period starts. So much more to do before we can even reach a court date. Deadlines are set, motions are drafted, court decisions are made by the assigned judge. What a roller coaster ride of emotions. Busy times, slow times, confused times are all ahead of me. I will keep you all posted on my progress. Should be a very interesting time for the office. Hope to learn as much as a I can during my internship about the civil court process. This will be a real eye opener to say the least.

Best of luck to me,


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