Friday, September 23, 2011

End of the week and time for a refreshment

Well, it has been a full week here and the work never let up. The end of the fiscal year is fast upon us and yet there is still much left to do. Timelines are approaching and sometimes it feels as though we will not make it. However, with hard work and perseverance it will all get done. Today I spent most of the day copying and mailing files to other attorneys offices. I have also spend a lot of time on the phone arranging for depositions and court reporters. It seems that when you get one step done, 2 more steps appear that need to be handled. How someone does this job on a permanent basis is way beyond me. However, given a chance to work full time here would be a plus. I have learned much in the short time that I have been here and look forward to learning much more in the weeks to come.


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