Thursday, September 8, 2011

Civil Case Timeline

I am now grasping on to why it takes so long for a case to progress through the court systems. First, once a case is brought to the attention of the agency, an investigation is conducted. Now, this investigation can last from six months to a few years. Once completed, the case is filed with the courts, where it will sit for another year or two. There is much back and forth activity between our office and the lawyers for the other side before it eventually is heard in front of a judge. Even though many years of work could go into a case, there is still an outside chance that the case could be settled before an actual trial date. It seems like an awful lot of work just to end up settling for a certain dollar amount.

In between all of this time, there are mounds of paperwork that still needs to be done. I think we kill an entire forest over one case. More paper than you will ever see in a lifetime. You get the idea.


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