Thursday, September 15, 2011

After Graduation

I have decided that I want to stay with ASU after finishig my undergraduate. I am looking at the Graduate programs and debating Urban or Public Policy. I am tinkering with the idea of doing a dual Master's. Any thoughts from my fellow students? I have always had the passion for urban work, but after taking some PUP and PAF courses I am torn. Both offer what I am looking for and either one (or both) will certainly give me that leg up needed out in the world. I have greatly enjoyed my time with ASU and look forward to staying with them no matter what choice I made. Is anyone else out there looking at staying on and pursuing higher education? I look forward to hearing from you.


1 comment:

  1. I am looking at the dual MPA/MPP program. I also heard that there is going to be a dual MPA/JD offered in the next year or so-maybe when the law school moves downtown? I am not sure of the specifics. I do think the MPA with an urban concentration, along with the MPP would be great. Look forward to hearing more about your internship!
