Friday, September 9, 2011

Possible Trip to DC

Great news. I may have a chance to travel to DC next month and see the headquarters for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Should be a great time and I look forward to meeting those in charge. While there I will get to see how the Appellate levels handle cases that are sent for appeal. In most cases, if a case is lost at the local district level, we appeal to the 9th Circuit which is actually in San Francisco. The 9th Circuit will review all evidence, briefs, and other documents submitted and will either approve or deny a request for appeal.

If approved, then our office will work with our headquarters to start the ball rolling in anticipation of winning a new trial with high hopes of winning the second time around. The appeal could take months or even years to work its way through the system. Only time will tell. Since I will be ini DC I intend to visit Capital Hill to really see Government in action. Should be an excellent opportunity to learn.


1 comment:

  1. That's an awesome opportunity! I had the chance to visit capitol hill as an undergrad and I've been hooked on public service ever since.
