Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Appellate Level Work

I have been working all morning on coping, scanning and emailing trial exhibits for a case that went to appeal a few months back. There must have been over 500 pages that I had to work with. However, I am only half done. I now need to do the same thing with the Defendant's exhibits that were admitted by the court. This will take more time as I need to locate the exhibits in our vast paper disaster area. After this daughnting task, I will have to assemble them for our attorneys to use as well as the D.C. attorneys who actually handle the appeal at their level.

Not to worry, even though my little brain is about to explode, I will survive this little escapade and be ready to move on to bigger and better tasks. One little tidbit that I will touch on in a later blog is the difference in leadership styles and techniques that exist between two Federal Government agencies. For now.....back to my paper mountain.

Good Day all,


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