Monday, August 29, 2011

Music and Stuff

Thought I would take a post to let people know of my musical tastes. Although I primarily lean towards the 70's stylings of music, I listen to pretty much anything. Lately, I have had more of an ear towards country. Last summer I took a trip to California to see Phil Vassar in concert. Though not one of my favorites, it was a birthday gift for my husband. However, after seeing Phil in concert I have become a little more of a fan. He has a great voice, but the lyrics his songs are sometimes "a bit much." I am also a huge Billy Joel fan and have been for many years. How he could become such an angry man and ruin his marriage to Christie Brinkley is beyond me. I have a vast Ipod collection (over 8,000 songs) and when I choose "random" selections I get a variety of music. Country, pop, rap, jazz, etc will stream through my headphones for hours.

Let me know what you like in music.


Week 1 of Internship

Well, week one went by without a hitch. I spent most of the week sitting through depositions and witness interviews. I thought I really knew how to interview someone, but after sitting through interviews with a seasoned paralegal I realized I was wrong. It is not just about the question you ask, but how you arrange your questions. Each question and subsequent question fell perfectly in line so that a story could actually be told with the answers received. I also spent time sifting through hundreds of pages of evidence looking for potential questions to ask in future deposition. I am amazed at what a legal person can see in a simple document. Without legal training, I would skim it and miss areas that need clarification from a witness.

An exciting week was spent listening and learning.  I cannot wait to learn and do more. What an exciting field of expertise.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My New Internship Position

Greetings classmates,

I thought I would share with you the location of where I will be doing my internship. I was fortunate enough to land an intership with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in Phoenix. This government agency oversees businesses and companies to ensure that employees are not being discriminated at their work places. From what I can tell so far, discrimination is more common place than I thought. I will be helping the attorneys and paralegals with court filings, scheduling of depositions, interviewing witnesses, and a myriad of other projects.

I will also be having contact with the local District Courts for the purposes of filing motions, pleadings, and other court related documents. It also looks like a may be performing legal research to ensure that the law the office is using is current and has not been overturned at higher court levels. I am very excited to be working for this agency. I may even be able to attend a few trials if the cases proceed to that level. I will keep you informed on what I am doing as I progress through my internship.



Welcome to my blog fellow classmates. I am Theresa Hays and will be graduating in the Spring. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here at ASU and look forward to continuing my education in the Graduate program. I work for the Federal Government and am a mother to two wonderful sons. I have lived in Arizona most of my life, but at some point, would like to move back East so that I can enjoy some green and maybe some cooler temperatures.

Though I have started my education later in life than most people, I feel that I have put forth serious effort to complete my education and still work a full time job with the Government. I have found that online courses have been quite beneficial for someone in my situation. You only need the drive, desire, and discipline to make it successful.

Again, welcome to my blog and I look forward to reading yours.
