Monday, August 29, 2011

Music and Stuff

Thought I would take a post to let people know of my musical tastes. Although I primarily lean towards the 70's stylings of music, I listen to pretty much anything. Lately, I have had more of an ear towards country. Last summer I took a trip to California to see Phil Vassar in concert. Though not one of my favorites, it was a birthday gift for my husband. However, after seeing Phil in concert I have become a little more of a fan. He has a great voice, but the lyrics his songs are sometimes "a bit much." I am also a huge Billy Joel fan and have been for many years. How he could become such an angry man and ruin his marriage to Christie Brinkley is beyond me. I have a vast Ipod collection (over 8,000 songs) and when I choose "random" selections I get a variety of music. Country, pop, rap, jazz, etc will stream through my headphones for hours.

Let me know what you like in music.


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