Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My New Internship Position

Greetings classmates,

I thought I would share with you the location of where I will be doing my internship. I was fortunate enough to land an intership with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in Phoenix. This government agency oversees businesses and companies to ensure that employees are not being discriminated at their work places. From what I can tell so far, discrimination is more common place than I thought. I will be helping the attorneys and paralegals with court filings, scheduling of depositions, interviewing witnesses, and a myriad of other projects.

I will also be having contact with the local District Courts for the purposes of filing motions, pleadings, and other court related documents. It also looks like a may be performing legal research to ensure that the law the office is using is current and has not been overturned at higher court levels. I am very excited to be working for this agency. I may even be able to attend a few trials if the cases proceed to that level. I will keep you informed on what I am doing as I progress through my internship.



  1. Hi Theresa! Sound like you're internship will be a interesting one. It is interesting enough when we hear about random cases on the news of work environment complaints and that the employers don't do anything about it. I have a relative that is in the middle of a law suit because her employer didn't do the proper precautions to prevent sexual harassment at her work site. The employer didn't want to listen and fired her just because she spoke up about it.

    Looking forward to your updates.

  2. That sounds like a place I would love to work for. I used to work in the legal field, for some firms downtown, Brown and Bain being one of them. Discrimination is so bad in many places of work, but it is hard to discuss, for those discriminated against sometimes do not know how to report it without fearing the loss of their job. I can tell you in my present employment, favoritism, discrimination, sexism, and sexual harassment is very bad. There is so much corruption, that many are scared of saying something, because those they have to report it to, do it themselves. It is tough. I respect what you are doing. I look forward to hearing more about how this process is carried out, maybe I can learn something.
