Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Welcome to my blog fellow classmates. I am Theresa Hays and will be graduating in the Spring. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here at ASU and look forward to continuing my education in the Graduate program. I work for the Federal Government and am a mother to two wonderful sons. I have lived in Arizona most of my life, but at some point, would like to move back East so that I can enjoy some green and maybe some cooler temperatures.

Though I have started my education later in life than most people, I feel that I have put forth serious effort to complete my education and still work a full time job with the Government. I have found that online courses have been quite beneficial for someone in my situation. You only need the drive, desire, and discipline to make it successful.

Again, welcome to my blog and I look forward to reading yours.


1 comment:

  1. Theresa,

    Nice to virtually meet you! I am right there with you with graduating. Can't wait move on to different aspects of urban studies. Have you narrowed it down to which major you'll be going for in graduate school? I am still debating, but the deadline is fast approaching!

    I am looking forward to reading about your internship and your work with the government!

    Thanks for your time!

    Jackie Cuccia
    URB 484
