Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Career Post

Based on a desired change of lifestyle, I chose to speak with many people the past few weeks about my future career. I am looking at either entering a graduate program or entering the military to pursue a career in engineering or the medical field. I spoke at great lengths with the ASU Nursing Program representative about Nursing of Physician Assistant Programs. Based on my age, I would have to receive a direct commission into the military. There are few programs in the military that offer direct commissions. Nursing, engineering and computer sciences are a few. After speaking with the Nursing representative, I immediately began to look into nursing and PA programs. The PA programs would require less education and will let me join the military much quicker. The computer sciences path will require about another 8 months or so of education.

I have spoken with many recruiters from all branches of the military and am still trying to decide what is the best option for me. Arizona State University offers all the education I need for any path I choose so at least that part of planning has been made easy for me. My husband is retired Air Force, so of course that would be the first choice. However, I have told him to be prepared to be the spouse of a Naval Officer as well. I will let you know in a future post exactly what I am going to do. I still have a few appointments to meet with ASU Representatives as well as the Graduate program rep with ASU.


1 comment:

  1. Good luck with joining the Air Force or Navy! I have looked into those two branches myself and if I decide to go that route will hopefully pursue things as an officer and develop some sort of skills in addition to my bachelor's degree. ASU does offer literally anything and everything!
