Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Money Problems Still Abound

Working this internship with the EEOC has really opened my eyes up to Government spending. Our budget pretty much being released on a monthly  basis. This really makes it difficult to accomplish the job. Most everything we do is relied upon for money. From scheduling court reporters to buying siimple office supplies nothing seems immune to a low budget. We are all learing to be frugal and only use what is needed and use supplies until they are really gone.

With a fast paced litigation environment, money can affect the lives of many people. Attorneys have to be real careful on how they prepare for cases. Most cases require at least 4 depositions and that can get quite costly. Even though the government has to slow down spending, the court deadlines keep coming. Judges don't really care if you do not have the money to do the job.

We will see what the future holds for us........



  1. I am learning about budget and government spending in one of my economics courses so it's useful to see how things transpire from the inside. Money and time seem to be the two resources we can't live without and never have enough of!

  2. It is scary to think about how fast money is spent. Keep up the good work.
