Monday, November 14, 2011

Career Service Blog - Grad Fair

I attended the grad fair held at the UCent Bookstore on last Wednesday. I was looking forward to picking up my husbands Graduate hood, cap, and gown and also picking up my graduation wear for Spring. I was also looking forward to speaking with a few potential job employers. However, I soon found that this was only for graduation information and materials. I would have expected to speak to future employers. Would it not make sense to set up a few booths since an employer would have a captive audience of graduating students? I did get to speak with the representatives that sold the announcements, rings, etc. I was really looking forward to speaking with others. I know other job fairs are held throughout the year, but this was one place where most graduates were going to and you had them captive. While I was there, I counted at least 35 other students picking up stuff. Not to mention the dozens of others that were in there just to pick up school supplies. This seemed the perfect location to be a head hunter. I might make this a suggestion to the school for future GRAD fairs. Even inviting two or three may make a difference in a Graduates future.


  1. I wish I would have taken advantage of the grad fair. I missed it, had to buy my cap and gown online, AND pay a $25 delivery charge.
    On a lighter note, congrats on your husband's graduation!

  2. Daisy, was the price any different online? I hope to graduate Spring 2012 and haven't ummm started anything towards that yet!

    It would make sense to have vendors at the Grad Fair to meet with the students. Students have to be there anyway to get their stuff so it allows employers access to a larger audience than might show up to their own fairs. Missed opportunity indeed!

  3. I totally agree with you. That would be a prime location for employers to start trying to recruit students who are graduating. Congratulations on graduating this semester! I can't wait for May 2012!
