Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Winding Down the Internship

My time is coming to a close here at the EEOC and I am hoping to actually pick up a permanent job from this little gig that I had. I have grown to love the litigation field and work well with the lawyers. From simple cases to extremely large cases with dozens of discriminated invidividuals it has all been a real eye opener. I cannot beleive so many companies still practice unfair discrimination practices. I have seen racism, sexism, pregnancy cases, age cases, and even national origin discrimination. It is pretty pathetic that companies resort to this kind of behavior. I have even seen cases where management was aware of the problems, but looked the other way for the sheer sake of profit. I have witnessed companies get caught, sued, pay millions of dollars only to let the discrimination continue and end up in court again a few years later.

What an eye opener.



  1. It's amazing how some people think they'll never get caught. Hope you do land a permanent job there. Good luck!

  2. Theresa,

    That is great that there is oppurtunity for you to stay with the organization since you seem to be very interested in the work. It is really horrible what people will do when they think no one is going to notice. It is also great that their are people like you who are willing to stand up for those who are victims of discrimination!

    Jackie Cuccia
    PAF 484

  3. I hope you land a permanent job at this place. That would be great to continue to do something you find interesting.
